How do we support Ayadi's team?

1. Financial Support
2. Support us with guidance, advice, and sharing useful and useful information and ideas about proposed projects or creative ways of implementing projects. (Provide a suggestion, advice, or complaint)
3. Contribute by uniting efforts, strengthening relationships, and activating communication between us and everyone we can contribute to in achieving our goals.
4. Volunteer with time by contributing support in specific fields and skills.


perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremeque laudantium, totam rem aperiam,

eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventor veritatis et quasi architecto.

للتحقق يرجى إكمال نموذج التقديم أدناه

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Organization account numbers:


Swift code: VAKFTRIS

Beneficiary Name:

Eller insani yardımlaşma ve gelişim derneği

Account number in Turkish lira:

TR 9700 2100 0000 0291 2710 0001

USD account number:

TR 1600 2100 0000 0291 2710 0101

Euro account number:

TR 8600 2100 0000 0291 2710 0102

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